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Even Muscles Work as a Team Much like a team, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Studies have shown, that in order to get the most out of a team effort, everyone must work as hard as they...
Tight IT Band? While it is more commonly known as “runner’s knee,” IT band friction syndrome does not spare cyclists. Symptoms include pain on the outside of the knee, tenderness and sometimes swelling. IT pain is typically associated with prolonged,...
Why Stop Exercising? Over the years, my exercise habits have fluctuated (“Wait a minute” you say, “you work at a Personal Training studio! You can exercise whenever you want.” Trust me, after a 10 hour day, sometimes staying that extra...
How Vertex Helped Me Grow Professionally I am Ray Rabchuk, I started working at Vertex Fitness Personal Training Studio in 2010.  I came to Vertex Fitness no experience as a personal trainer,  in business or sales. I also lacked networking experience, never...
My Vertex Fitness Experience It’s only been a few weeks since I jumped off life’s all too real ledge quitting my job and changing career paths altogether, throwing myself into a whirlwind of both terrifying and electrifying experiences. Dwayne and...
Motivation “I think I can! I think I can!” Famous words from The Little Engine That Could. He was bound and determined to get up that hill. Put another way, he was motivated! According to the Macmillan Dictionary, motivation is...
 Setting Goals Using S.M.A.R.T. Goals Where are you right now? Where do you want to go? These are questions you ask yourself everyday when setting goals. For example, I’m at home, but I want to go workout. I just set...
Testimonial from Matt Brzycki I first met Dwayne Wimmer in 1989 at a strength and conditioning clinic that was hosted by Rutgers University.  Since then, we’ve run into each other at countless clinics and conferences throughout the United States, sometimes...
Exercise Consistency The biggest key to seeing results in any program is exercise consistency. You might have the greatest trainer in the world, but if you don’t go see him or her, not much is going to change. So, how...
Use It or Lose It I am the family grocery shopper. Every Friday around 10 PM, I head out to the store to buy food for the week. Last week, I bought an eggplant.I thought I’d make Baba Ganoush or...