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UV Protection is Your July Health Goal  UV protection is something that we all need to start taking a little more seriously to start living our best lives this July. Let’s make a commitment together to stop ignoring this important...
How the Fit3D Scanner Can Help You Improve Your Health Technological advances make it easier than ever to understand your body and how you can improve your health. The Fit3D Scanner is one such tool.  It gives you access to...
Your Body, Taking Care of it is a Lot Like Raking the Yard – (My Fitness Journey – Vertex Fitness Diary 16) Last week, I took a week off. It was for a good reason–my husband and I had the final...
Depressive Symptoms, How Resistance Training Can Reduce Them When people think of exercise, they often only look at the physical benefits. Most people choose to exercise because they want to get in shape and be stronger. However, recent studies provide...
The Importance of Proper Breathing: What is Valsalva?  Proper breathing is a cornerstone of good form while working out. If you’ve been working with us at Vertex Fitness for any length of time, no doubt you’ve been coached on your...
Muscle and Function: Deltoid Muscle The deltoid is a triangular shaped muscle at the top of your shoulder. It plays a major role in moving and stabilizing your shoulder joint. The major movements the deltoid muscle is responsible for are...
Debunking the Spot Training Myth It’s not uncommon to have stubborn problem areas on your body that you’d just like to areas. Hips, arms, backs, and bellies all tend to stubbornly cling to fat. But if you think that “spot...
Effort Level is More Important Than How Long You Exercise What if I told you spending less time exercising can still get you maximum results? Traditional ways of thinking about exercise may be under fire. Recent studies suggest that health...
Building Muscle and Losing Fat… at the Same Time Many of the clients that come through Vertex Fitness are interested in losing fat in some form or another. Many are busy professionals who must schedule time to prioritize their health...
June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month What You Need to Know During Alzheimer’s Awareness Month June is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, and it’s important to know about this devastating disease and how it impacts Americans every day. Alzheimer’s is one type of...