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Posts filed under: General Exercise

Physical Education = Strong Bodies, Strong Brains Physical education is now viewed as an expendable part of the school curriculum. Yet there is no question that children need to be physically active to not only stay healthy and reduce their...
Beat the Heat Before It Beats You It’s summertime and you head out for a run. Before you even finish the first mile, your body feels as though it might ignite from the heat. It’s not your imagination. Fifteen minutes...
Sneaker Savvy If you’ve tried to buy a pair of athletic shoes recently, you probably noticed the wide range of high-tech, state-of-the-art athletic gear. Consumers are faced with so many options that the task of choosing a pair of shoes...
Exercise to Boost Your Job Performance How would you like to feel more energized at work — to sharpen your brain and enhance your ability to concentrate, learn, and think creatively? Not only would you feel better physically, but you’d...
Teens Fitness and You Statistics show that suicide, pregnancy and firearm-homicide are all on the rise for teens. In 2007, the CDC reported that 23% of teens smoke, and 17% of eighth graders have tried alcohol. Only 30% of them get...
Kids in Motion By the time they reach high school, 64% of children are no longer physically active. If your kids fall within this group, be a role model and introduce them to fun exercise. Once you get kids moving...
Strength Training for Kids Many parents and physical education teachers have traditionally shied away from strength training with their children or students. However, there is sufficient research to suggest that strength training is a suitable—and safe—option for most youth. Here...
10 Fun Fitness Summer Activities for Kids Summer is here and children need to stay active, healthy and busy during their break from school.  To keep kids moving, the American Council on Exercise suggests ten, fun fitness summer activities for...
Staying Fit with Lung Conditions Years ago, people with lung conditions were advised to take it easy, and sit out of strenuous activities. Thanks to medical research, those days are over. It’s established that regular exercise is beneficial for people...
Osteoporosis, Reduce Your Risk Now! Osteoporosis is an age-related disorder in which bones become gradually thinner, more porous and less able to support the weight of the body. It has a debilitating effect on quality of life, as it limits...