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Posts filed under: Fitness FAQ

Exercise and Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition affecting between 1 and 3% of the general population. The syndrome is characterized by widespread muscle aches and pains, stiffness, fatigue and muscle spasms. Many people with fibromyalgia report difficulty doing everyday...
Exercise and Arthritis Arthritis is becoming a more prevalent health problem—and not just among the elderly. More than 40 million people have arthritis, including 33% of individuals over the age of 65. The good news is that a program of...
Summer Skin Protect your summer skin. Every sunscreen has a sun protection factor, or SPF, which is a measure of its strength or effectiveness. Each of us needs a different SPF, depending on whether, and to what degree, our skin...
Before You Start An Exercise Program Before you start an exercise program, there are a few questions to ask yourself to determine whether you should see your doctor first. Question Yourself Your first step is to ask yourself how active...
Exercise Can Help Control Stress People who exercise regularly will tell you they feel better. Some will say it’s because chemicals called neurotransmitters, which are produced in the brain, are stimulated during exercise. Since it’s believed that neurotransmitters mediate people’s...
Muscle and Function: The Triceps On the back of the arm is the Triceps Brachii muscle group. The group is comprised of three muscles that have separate origins and a common insertion. The Long Head of the triceps originates in...
Exercise and Asthma Many people with asthma believe exercise is not an option for them, that it will do more harm than good. The truth is that most asthmatics would likely benefit from some form of regular physical activity. The...
The Hip Extension Possibly the second most reviled machine in the studio is the Hip Extension (#1-Leg Press). Without question, it is the hardest machine to teach and the hardest to learn proper form. The belt is the reason the...
Focus and Concentration Focus and concentration are considered synonyms and used interchangeably in conversation. However, while the words are similar, they have different meanings. This can be illustrated best by looking at a workout at Vertex Fitness. In the broadest...
You Can’t Out Run a Bad Diet! When we watch weight loss competition shows like The Biggest Loser, we’re led to believe that weight loss is due mostly to countless hours of grueling exercise in a gym with a trainer...