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Posts tagged with: Exercise and Fitness

Flexion and Extension Flexion and Extension – When describing an anatomical movement, flexion is the closing of the angle between two segments of the body. For example, when you bring your hand from your side up to the shoulder, you...
Muscle Shapes Muscle shapes determines function. This is true for everything. It is especially true for your muscles. There are over 650 muscles in the human body and each one has a unique shape and function. Muscles can be classified...
Structure and Function: The Quadriceps The top of the thighs are made up of a pretty large muscle group known as the quadriceps, which are four muscles used to stabilize and extend the leg. Three of these (the Vastus Lateralis,...
Muscle and Function: The Gastrocnemius The Gastrocnemius is a bipennate muscle that originates on the lateral and medial condyles of the femur. It runs down the back of the leg and invests into the Achilles tendon and inserts into the...
Even Muscles Work as a Team Much like a team, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Studies have shown, that in order to get the most out of a team effort, everyone must work as hard as they...
Why You Cannot Do Personal Training in a Vacuum Part 2: Client’s Perspective In my last post, I wrote about personal training and it’s similarities to refereeing fencing. Wait, what does refereeing a sport that most people are unfamiliar with...