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Are you making these salad mistakes? Salads can be a great appetizer or a meal and are a great way to fit in five fruits and vegetables a day. Salads can also be a trap of healthy eating for those...
Muscle Confusion Muscle confusion is currently a big buzzword in the fitness field. Program “X” is based on the principle of muscle confusion to ensure maximum growth. Trainer “Y” says, “You gotta confuse your muscles to get them to grow!”...
5 Ways to Avoid Winter Weight Gain As the days get colder and the sunsets earlier, you may suddenly find you’ve become a homebody. Suddenly that small waistline you worked so hard to maintain in summer starts to expand. Your...
Sleep to Stay on Top of Your Life The overall health of the nation would improve dramatically if everybody would do one simple thing: sleep! Most adults need 7-8 hours each night. One recent report found that nearly 1/3 of...
Boost Your Metabolism for New Year Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to boost your metabolism...
New Years Resolutions and MUCH more on the “What Da Heck” radio show hosted by Kevin Hodes I had a GREAT time with my friend and fellow Best Selling Author of the book “The Soul of Success, Vol. 2” on...