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All posts by: Dwayne Wimmer

Balance is the Key to Good Health Balance. Your body craves it. The technical term for balance in the body is “homeostasis”. The definition of homeostasis is “the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained...
Success in Wealth and Health: More Similar Than You Think At an early age my parents taught me the importance of saving money and investing for the future.  These conversations, although the best advice and information they could give me...
The Importance of Work Ethic in Maintaining Your Health To succeed at anything, you have to work for it. Nothing of value comes easy. Whether its a higher paying job, weight loss or muscle growth, the value of work ethic...
Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable Why are we so scared to do things that we aren’t used to doing? Why do we fear change or failure? What is that weird sickening feeling in our stomachs that feels like a bodily shutdown...
The Importance of Sleep The purpose of exercise is to change your body in a positive manner; we overload your muscles so that they are stimulated to change by growing stronger. However, increases in muscle size, muscle strength, and stamina...
Even Muscles Work as a Team Much like a team, you are only as strong as your weakest link. Studies have shown, that in order to get the most out of a team effort, everyone must work as hard as they...
Tight IT Band? While it is more commonly known as “runner’s knee,” IT band friction syndrome does not spare cyclists. Symptoms include pain on the outside of the knee, tenderness and sometimes swelling. IT pain is typically associated with prolonged,...
Why Stop Exercising? Over the years, my exercise habits have fluctuated (“Wait a minute” you say, “you work at a Personal Training studio! You can exercise whenever you want.” Trust me, after a 10 hour day, sometimes staying that extra...
How Vertex Helped Me Grow Professionally I am Ray Rabchuk, I started working at Vertex Fitness Personal Training Studio in 2010.  I came to Vertex Fitness no experience as a personal trainer,  in business or sales. I also lacked networking experience, never...
My Vertex Fitness Experience It’s only been a few weeks since I jumped off life’s all too real ledge quitting my job and changing career paths altogether, throwing myself into a whirlwind of both terrifying and electrifying experiences. Dwayne and...